
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) comes into effect on 25 May 2018. If you’re in the UK, find out more and see how Kitomba can help you comply with this change.

What is the GDPR?

For more information about the GDPR, visit our blog.

How is Kitomba getting ready for the GDPR?

We’ve been working with a specialist GDPR team to ensure Kitomba is compliant with the new regulations by 25 May 2018. Read our blog How Kitomba’s getting ready for the GDPR for the details.

How can you get ready for the GDPR?

There are some great resources from ICO if you need more information on the GDPR:

How can Kitomba help you comply with the GDPR?

We’ve pulled together an overview of how our software and processes can help you to be compliant with the GDPR.

Unsubscribe clients in Kitomba

Under the GDPR’s ‘Right to Object’, your clients have the right to choose whether or not they receive your marketing messages.

Kitomba allows your clients to unsubscribe from marketing messages in the following ways:


Your clients can opt-out of emails you send via MailChimp using the unsubscribe link. This will automatically turn off their ‘Accepts Promos’ preference in Kitomba so they’re no longer included in future marketing campaigns. Visit our support guide for more details.


Your clients can opt-out of emails you send via Kmail using the unsubscribe mailto link. When your client unsubscribes, you’ll receive an email with their unsubscribe request. You, or someone in your team, will need to untick the ‘Accepts Promos’ preference in Kitomba so they aren’t included in future marketing campaigns.

Message templates

Kitomba’s pre-loaded message templates (text only email templates) include the sentence “If you do not wish to receive these types of messages in the future please reply with ‘Unsubscribe’ in the subject line”.

When creating a new message template you’ll need to manually add the sentence above to your emails.

In both instances, you’ll need to monitor your email inbox for replies and untick the ‘Accepts Promos’ preference in Kitomba so they aren’t included in future marketing campaigns.

Text messages

Your clients can opt-out of text message campaigns using two methods:

  • By replying to your text messages with an unsubscribe request.
  • You can add a ‘Reply STOP to unsubscribe’ to your text messages to prompt your clients who wish to unsubscribe.

In both cases you’ll need to monitor your inbox in the Messages tab for replies and untick the ‘Accepts Promos’ preference in Kitomba.

Update client information in their Client Card

The ‘Right to Rectification’ gives your clients the right to ask that their details are changed within 30 days if you’re storing incorrect information.

If a client asks you to change their information, simply update their Client Card in Kitomba or Kitomba 1, or use the Give to Client feature so they can update their details themselves.

Ask us to delete client information

Under the ‘Right to Erasure’, the GDPR states that your clients have the right to ask you to delete their personal information if there isn’t a good reason for you to have it. You must do this within 30 days.

If your clients request their data be deleted from Kitomba, please contact our support team and they’ll arrange this for you.

Deactivate your client in Kitomba

Where the ‘Right to Erasure’ isn’t appropriate, the ‘Restriction to Processing’ requirement might come into play. This means while you can continue storing the client’s data, you can no longer use it in any way.

If a client asks you to stop using their data you’ll need to:

  • Untick the ‘Accepts Promos’ preference in Kitomba.
  • Deactivate the client in Kitomba. Learn how to deactivate a client by visiting our support guide.

Ask us to supply client information

Your clients have the ability to ask you to provide them with a copy of the information you have about them, and receive a response in 30 days. This refers to the ‘Right to Data Portability’ and ‘Right of Access’.

If a client requests this, please contact our support team and they’ll supply you with this information.