As a busy salon owner, you know the key to success lies in staying organised, saving time, and...
Keep your salon, spa or clinic on track with a strategic marketing plan
When it comes to marketing, you might think your best bet is to play it by ear and be ready to...
New masterclass: Mastering Automated Marketing
Kitomba has released a new masterclass: Mastering Automated Marketing in Kitomba. This Masterclass...
Data reveals the impact marketing can have at your salon or spa
Have you ever wondered what impact your text and email marketing campaigns have on your salon’s...
Mastering Salon Marketing: Strategies for Success from Tracey Hughes
Attracting new clients, retaining existing ones, increasing revenue, and growing your business all...
Increase revenue and save time with marketing automation
In an ideal world, we would have enough time to take care of our clients and focus on our...
Salon marketing checklists for email and SMS marketing campaigns
Email and SMS marketing are essential tools for salons, spas and clinics to connect with clients,...
6 essential automated marketing ideas for salons, spas and clinics
Everyday Marketing with Kitomba Salon and Spa Software makes it easy to target and personalise...