How delicious is your salon’s client journey?

21 Aug 2013 by Kitomba

Brenda Perham

As business owners we all know the value of “word of mouth” advertising. We love it, it’s essentially free and we have the ability to attract new clients that come from the same “tribe” as our existing clients…perfect! But what is it that makes our clients want to tell the world how fabulous we are? Continue reading…

Feature release: Centralised Vouchers for Enterprise businesses

4 Aug 2013 by Kitomba

If you’re already a Kitomba One Enterprise user, you’ll be loving how easy it is to give your clients the same personal touch at every salon location with our Centralised Client feature. Now you can extend this experience so your clients can purchase and redeem your vouchers at any location. Read on to find out more! Continue reading…

Feature release: New Kitomba POS and more…

2 Aug 2013 by Kitomba

Happy days! We’ve made some improvements to Kitomba which will be rolled out to all Kitomba customers over the next 2 weeks. Kitomba’s point-of-sale (POS) screen has been given a new facelift and we’ve introduced a prompt asking you to assign client genders to help tidy up your database. Read on to learn more about these improvements. Continue reading…

Mentoring your team for success

30 Jul 2013 by Kitomba

Brenda Perham, Bamboo Consulting

Being a small to medium sized business owner means there are always lots of plates to spin. Just when you have one area of your business whizzing around another starts to wobble and so your focus moves to that plate before it topples!
In saying that, just like a dinner set some plates are bigger and more useful than others, likewise in business you have key drivers and behaviours that will strengthen your culture and future proof your business. As a business mentor I believe that one of the “big plates” is a weekly mentoring program with your team.

Before you implement weekly mentoring into your business you need to have a few tools in place… Continue reading…

Feature release: Online Bookings

16 Jul 2013 by Kitomba

If you’re already a Kitomba One Enterprise user, you’ll be loving how easy it is to give your clients the same personal touch at every salon location with our Centralised Client feature. Now book appointments online seamlessly at any location. Read on to find out more! Continue reading…

Mane Focus: Kitomba NZARH Business Awards

30 May 2013 by Kitomba

2012 Kitomba NZARH Business Awards: Mane-iacs celebrate their wins.

For Mane salon owner Janine Simons entering the 2012 Kitomba NZARH awards was about following through on the philosophy of the company, “we only opened in February last year and I wanted a salon where every person is part of the business success, so I had the whole team onboard from the start”. Continue reading…

Preparation is key for successful marketing campaigns

30 Apr 2013 by Kitomba

With our busy schedules it’s easy to forget about great marketing and up-selling opportunities that are around the corner. This usually leads to last minute panic and campaigns being sent out with disappointing results. Continue reading…

Feature release: Kitomba One and Enterprise enhancements

13 Mar 2013 by Kitomba

Our latest development update includes a number of enhancements, particularly to Kitomba One Enterprise with the launch of Centralised Client. This enhancement is designed to help you deliver a local experience across your salon and spa group.

To benefit from all the latest updates, you will need to upgrade your in-salon Kitomba to the latest version. Call our Helpdesk and we can upgrade you today. As always, our software updates are FREE. Continue reading…

Benchmark your business

19 Dec 2012 by Kitomba

Can you say with certainty how you’re faring against your competitors? Do you know what the average industry-rebooking rate is? How does your client average-spend compare? Continue reading…

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Clean up your database and protect your business.

16 Oct 2012 by Kitomba

We regularly chat to customers who want to grow their business and, as a result, have spent lots of time and money on advertising and direct mailers that do not deliver the results they expect. They’re looking for advice, guidance and inspiration. So the first thing we always say is – clean up your database!

Continue reading…