Feature release: Kitomba One and Enterprise enhancements

13 Mar 2013 by Kitomba

Our latest development update includes a number of enhancements, particularly to Kitomba One Enterprise with the launch of Centralised Client. This enhancement is designed to help you deliver a local experience across your salon and spa group.

To benefit from all the latest updates, you will need to upgrade your in-salon Kitomba to the latest version. Call our Helpdesk and we can upgrade you today. As always, our software updates are FREE.


  • You can now choose to run Kitomba One reports GST / VAT inclusive or exclusive. Reports also has a new ‘homepage’, which means you will no longer automatically default to your Business Summary Report. These changes apply to Kitomba One and Enterprise users.
  • The Client List report has a new filter, allowing you to filter by location and then by staff linked to that location. If a location is not selected, you’ll still be able to filter by all staff. This filter only applies to Enterprise users.
Kitomba One Reports


One central record gives you access to every client’s personal details, upcoming appointments, service history and even their preferred drink at every location. It’s easy for your team to deliver a friendly and professional experience that keeps clients loyal to your brand.


  1. Enterprise users can copy a client card from one branch to another.
  2. If you have separate records of the same client across locations – or even at the same location – you can now ‘find matching clients’ and merge these two records.
  3. Navigating to the client card from any search will show a central client card if it exists. If you’re viewing a central client card, the customers attributes will display for all branches that this client has visited.
  4. Any changes you make to a clients details in Enterprise, automatically updates every in-salon Kitomba that your client visits. And when you make a change to your client card in Kitomba, it will update Kitomba One Enterprise.
  5. When you’re searching for a client in Enterprise, you’ll have the option of searching at a specific location or across all locations.
How Centralised Client works:
Amy lives in Sydney, but she’s visiting Auckland on business. Her usual Sydney salon also has an Auckland location so she decides to book in for her ‘usual’ services. They can see her client history and attributes such as her sensitive skin and allergies, without even having to ask. It’s simple.

 Kitomba One Enterprise Centralised Client

We’ve created these features to help make your business more successful, and we want to know what you think. So get in touch and send us your feedback.


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