Benchmark your business

19 Dec 2012 by Kitomba

BenchmarkCan you say with certainty how you’re faring against your competitors? Do you know what the average industry-rebooking rate is? How does your client average-spend compare?

As a business owner or manager, it’s important to have your fingers firmly on the pulse of your business, especially in such a competitive industry.

Benchmark gives you a true warts-and-all account of where your business stands against the industry. Belinda Watson of Biba Boutique Salon in Auckland commented “It enables us to monitor the results that drive bottom line profitability on a daily basis, as well as benchmarking ourselves against other salons. It’s both motivating and inspiring. It’s like having a business coach with you 24/7.”

Why should you benchmark your business?

Be strategic in your decision making
No longer will you be making decisions based purely on popular opinion and you’ll never have to ask the question “Is it just my business?”. Benchmark gives you the market intelligence you need to make the right decisions for your business, identify opportunities for growth and uncover potential threats early. Benchmark uses live data so you always know exactly where you sit against the industry and what the industry average is. As the economy fluctuates and business performance moves with it, so will Benchmark.

 Tap into your team’s competitive streak
Visually engaging graphs mean your team can view their performance quickly. And it’s broken down into key metrics: Average client spend, rebooking, client retention, retail sales and core services for hair or beauty. Your team can compare their performance to their colleagues and to the business as a whole, which is a great motivator for those who love a bit of competition!

Recognise the talents within your team
Knowing how your staff rank against KPIs means you can now leverage the talent within your team. Who are the top retail sellers or rebookers? Get them to share their tips for success and raise the performance of your entire team.

If you’re a visual learner or just very busy person, analysing a lot of numbers can be both daunting and dull. Benchmark is presented visually so that you and your team will instantly ‘get it’. Benchmark does the analysis for you! If you haven’t experienced Benchmark for yourself, sign up today.

If you’re not a Kitomba customer, call us and find out more.

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