Onlien support newsletter feature

What’s new in Kitomba

6 May 2015 by Paul Gray

The team have been busy working on this month’s improvements which are all focused on the way you interact with Kitomba. Continue reading…

client form feature

Latest Kitomba 1 feature releases

1 Apr 2015 by Kitomba

We’ve been busy over the last little while working on some great additions and updates to Kitomba 1. Take a look at what we’ve been working on: Continue reading…

La Villa panorama feature

Being unique: why it’s important, and how to make your clients know all about it

30 Mar 2015 by Paul Gray

Last week we featured Hush Hairstyling from Christchurch and looked at what makes them stand apart from other salons. Continue reading…

Market mojo feature

Have you found your marketing mojo for 2015?

25 Mar 2015 by Brenda Perham

In the good ole days (at least 20 years ago) marketing your salon or spa was pretty much a no brainer, the only options were Yellow Pages (or White Pages if you’re Australian!) and the newspaper.

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Stock value report feature

Kitomba 1 feature release: Stock Value report

16 Mar 2015 by Kitomba

Kitomba 1’s new ‘Stock Value report’ will give you an up-to-the-minute snapshot of the value and quantity of your stock on hand. Continue reading…

Cash and invoicing kitomba feature

6 simple tips to keep the cash flowing!

12 Mar 2015 by Brenda Perham

Cash management is a vital component of healthy business practice! Here’s a few simple guidelines for client invoicing and payments:

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team meeting feature

5 ways to keep your staff smiling

5 Mar 2015 by Rebecca Field

“Always treat your employees exactly as you want them to treat your best customers.”Stephen R. Covey Continue reading…

Startup Stock Photos

Measure productivity to improve profitability

25 Feb 2015 by Brenda Perham

Lack of productivity can be a killer for any small to medium sized business. Unfortunately the cost of running your business is only ever likely to increase Continue reading…

customer feature

Competing for the customer: creating a higher expectation of customer service

16 Feb 2015 by Malcolm Gibbons

It is widely agreed that a high level of customer service contributes significantly to customer loyalty and results in return business. Continue reading…

client-and-hairdresser feature

The recipe for happy clients

5 Feb 2015 by Brenda Perham

As business owners we all know the value of “word of mouth” advertising. We love it, it’s essentially free and we have the ability to attract new clients that come from the same “tribe” as our existing clients…perfect! Continue reading…