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Boost client loyalty with Kitomba

26 Oct 2016 by Kitomba

I think we all agree that client loyalty is important! Here’s a few numbers as to why:

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Measuring salon targets to make the magic happen

20 Oct 2016 by Lisa Conway

Management Consultant Peter Drucker once said, “If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it.” I’d argue that many important aspects of your salon business – such as culture, morale and energy – are manageable, yet can’t readily be nailed down as data in spreadsheets. But when it comes to salon targets, Peter Ducker was on the money: without measurement, they’re worthless. Their potential magic is lost. Continue reading…

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Here’s why you need Kitomba 1

13 Oct 2016 by Kitomba

2016 has been a massive year of amazing Kitomba 1 innovations and additions. Whether you’re an owner, manager or staff member there’s features for you! There’s even some for your clients too: Continue reading…

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History of the Industry Awards

28 Sep 2016 by Kitomba

2016 is the seventh year HITO, Kitomba, and NZARH have come together to celebrate the Industry Awards. Each year is bigger and better than the last, with more awards, fantastic venues, and exciting entertainment.

But the Industry Awards weren’t always this glamorous. We’ve scoured the archives to bring you some of the best bits of Industry Awards history and show you how they grew into the event we have today. Continue reading…

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Salon and spa targets: how to make them work for you

15 Sep 2016 by Lisa Conway

Salon and spa targets get a bad rap. There, I said it. Salon and spa owners love to whinge about how targets don’t work, how they’re too much effort to manage and how their teams balk at the mere mention of them. I’m here to tell you it’s not the targets that are at fault, it’s how you’ve been doing them.

Here’s my down and dirty guide to revamping your approach to salon and spa targets, so you can reap the rewards of doing them well.

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Our Appointment Value Report and why you need to know about it

8 Sep 2016 by Kitomba

Do you want to know the value of your appointments made via Online Booking? Or maybe how much you’re going to make next month? Then check out the Appointment Value report in Kitomba 1. Continue reading…


Targets are here!

27 Jul 2016 by Kitomba

Targets are here and we hope you’re prepared for the arrival of this highly requested software feature! We know you’ve been waiting to see what we’ve developed, so let’s get into the details. Continue reading…

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6 months of marketing success

25 Jul 2016 by Kitomba

It’ll be the end of the year before you know it and you’re going to be busy. It’s going to be hard to put time aside to think up some fresh marketing ideas that will bring clients through your salon door. So we’re going to give you six of our best salon marketing ideas! Continue reading…

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Get ready for Kitomba targets

11 Jul 2016 by Kitomba

Yes, Kitomba targets will be here in less than four weeks! Soon you’ll be able to easily set targets, use your mobile to check progress in real time, motivate your staff, and achieve your business goals.

There’s not long to go, so we thought we’d help you get prepared for the release of this highly requested feature. Continue reading…

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Keep your salon busy this winter

7 Jul 2016 by Alyssa Dowsett

Winter’s well and truly set in, so getting your clients to leave their nice warm homes to come and visit you isn’t an easy task! So we’ve come up with five tips on how to get your clients through the door this winter:
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