5 steps to success feature

5 steps for a successful Christmas season in your salon

24 Nov 2023 by Malcolm Gibbons

Now I know, you know, that Christmas will happen this year whether you’re ready or not, so you might as well be ready!

Make some time to gather your thoughts, put together some ideas and sketch out a plan for your Christmas marketing. Think about timing, budget, staff, products and promotions. It may all seem very daunting at this stage, however planning now will not only save you time and hassle later, but will also boost your business profits this coming Christmas and New Year.

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Mastering your salon finances - feature

Mastering your salon finances

1 Dec 2022 by Malcolm Gibbons

Aww c’mon now, I can hear the groans already, not finance… BUT keep reading; the information below just may help you make more money this year and in the years to come!

Many salons, spas and clinics fail due to the lack of funds available during their life – there is a reason that cash flow is known as the “lifeblood” of a business. US Small Business Administration has identified “insufficient capital” as the crucial factor for small business failure in USA, and so we can assume that this would be the case globally.

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Are you being paid feature

Are you being paid what you’re worth? Knowing when to increase your salon pricing

12 Oct 2022 by Malcolm Gibbons

In this article I ask you to take a long hard look at your position as a salon owner, and to ask, “Is it really worth it?” if you are not making the money you thought you would.
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Five super reasons to train your team

19 May 2022 by Malcolm Gibbons

The biggest complaint I hear from disgruntled salon owners is that their staff up and leave after receiving comprehensive service and ongoing technical training, taking all that knowledge with them for the benefit of the next place they work! 

Unfortunately, there are too many owners with this fearful mindset around training. But, have you ever considered the value of training employees in the art of giving GREAT service? Continue reading…

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Could your salon or clinic do with a detox?

20 Jul 2015 by Malcolm Gibbons

Talking with a new client the other day she asked me whether anyone else was saying their clinic was feeling a bit wintery, when she explained to me what that meant I identified it as in need of a freshen up, both decor wise and system wise. Continue reading…

customer feature

Competing for the customer: creating a higher expectation of customer service

16 Feb 2015 by Malcolm Gibbons

It is widely agreed that a high level of customer service contributes significantly to customer loyalty and results in return business. Continue reading…