lightbulb success

6 months of marketing success

25 Jul 2016 by Kitomba

It’ll be the end of the year before you know it and you’re going to be busy. It’s going to be hard to put time aside to think up some fresh marketing ideas that will bring clients through your salon door. So we’re going to give you six of our best salon marketing ideas! Continue reading…

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Keep your salon busy this winter

7 Jul 2016 by Alyssa Dowsett

Winter’s well and truly set in, so getting your clients to leave their nice warm homes to come and visit you isn’t an easy task! So we’ve come up with five tips on how to get your clients through the door this winter:
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online booking blog try it free

Get more with Online Booking

31 May 2016 by Kitomba

35% of clients want to have the ability to schedule their next appointment outside of business hours. Can your clients do this? Give them Online Booking and they can, and they will. We’ve looked into our numbers and, on average, salons with Online Booking are seeing more than 130 new clients each year come through the door. It really works! Continue reading…

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Time Warp! How To Be A Tightwad With Your Salon Time

24 Mar 2016 by Lisa Conway

‘I just don’t have the time’. How I’d love a day off for every time I’ve heard this. Yet, it’s a ridiculous statement. Everyone, no matter who you are, has the same 24 hours a day. Every day. What you’re really saying is: I just can’t get my act together. Continue reading…

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Are your clients forsaking their regular salon visit for a swanky restaurant meal?

25 Feb 2016 by Lisa Conway

One thing we can rely on is change … and the hair and beauty industry is no exception. A big change over the last few years has been the decline of the regular salon visit. In years gone by, the “six-week regular” was a by-product of the fashion for neat, precise grooming. Today’s fashions are different; fewer women see the need for frequent salon visits. But, I ask you, is the demise of the lock-it-in six-week regular or a change in fashion your biggest challenge? I think not.

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Does your salon software package have the wow factor?

9 Feb 2016 by Lisa Conway

How critical is good software to your salon? My answer: it depends. What does it depend on? It depends on how serious you are about growing your business. Because, like most things the wow factor in software systems is in the eye of the beholder. Continue reading…

Woman planning digital advertising on computer

Setting goals: Think big, act small, move quick

25 Jan 2016 by Alyssa Dowsett

This blog was updated on 19 December 2018.

We all want to be successful, and setting goals is a huge component of long-term success, as research shows a direct link between goals and enhanced performance in business.  Continue reading…

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The latest: Advertising with Instagram

13 Jan 2016 by Alyssa Dowsett

Purchased in 2012 by Facebook, Instagram a photo-sharing service, has kept mostly free of advertising allowing only a handful of big brands to place commercial messages. Fast forward a few years and now any brand across 30 countries can advertise on Instagram. So here’s everything you need to know to start using Instagram to promote your business! Continue reading…

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Is Your Salon Quiet?

19 Oct 2015 by Lisa Conway

Lisa Conway talks about the importance of focusing on our own business in quiet times instead of worrying if other people are quiet too.  Continue reading…

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Are you planning for profit?

27 Jul 2015 by Brenda Perham

When you own or work in the hair and beauty industry it’s easy to let your feelings and emotions run your business rather than your numbers. Continue reading…