
Book Now buttons make it even easier for your clients and potential clients to make an appointment with you, directly from their favourite social media platform!

With Kitomba’s new integration with Facebook, you can add Book Now buttons to your Facebook business page and Instagram profile, as well as any Facebook or Instagram ads you create.

How it works

Once you’ve added the buttons to Facebook and Instagram, Book Now works just the same as any other appointment requests you receive through Online Booking with you in the driver’s seat. You’ll see the appointment requests come through and have the power to edit, accept or decline the bookings before they’re added to your appointment book.

Getting started

To add Book Now buttons to Facebook and Instagram you’ll need:

If you’re already set up to take online bookings and you have a Facebook for Business account, you’re ready to connect Kitomba 1 to your Facebook Business Manager! 

Check out our support guide which will take you through the process step by step.

This functionality is only available to Kitomba customers with Online Booking. If you’re interested in upgrading your package to include Online Booking, contact our support team to find out more, or test out Online Booking with our free 90-day trial

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