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4 Kitomba features to help you sell more retail

14 Mar 2023 by Kitomba

If your goal is to sell more retail at your salon, spa or clinic, your software can make this easier for you and your team. The problem is, most hair and beauty professionals don’t use their salon software to its full potential! 

Keep reading to learn about the features available from Kitomba Salon and Spa Software that will help to keep your staff motivated, your retail sales high, and ultimately help your business to grow!

1. Set retail sales goals with Kitomba Targets

Having a target is all about owning your goal, being held accountable for your influence in the business, and keeping on track with your progress. Targets make it easier than ever for staff to track their progress and even have projections on how well they will do in the future.

With Kitomba Targets, you can set retail sales goals for your business as well as personalising targets for each team member. Setting personalised targets helps your team to feel like their targets are achievable, as your apprentices may not have the confidence to sell the same amount of retail as your senior team members and could become unmotivated.

How to set Targets using Kitomba 1

Setting targets saves you so much time and they take less than a minute to set up!

You can find the targets page by clicking the menu in Kitomba 1 and selecting “targets”. As the admin of your business, you’ll be able to set and view everyone’s targets and any business-wide targets you set. 

You can set seven different targets in Kitomba 1, from things like total sales to retail sales from appointments only, and even things like client rebooking rates. Once you set your goals, you simply scroll down and click save, and they will be all set up.

To learn more, view our Targets support guide. 

See how you’re tracking towards your targets in real-time

It’s important to note that your team members will only be able to see their individual targets as well as the business targets. 

When looking at Kitomba Targets (pictured above) the solid green line shows what your salon has currently achieved. The dotted line is a forecast and projection based on your future appointment value booked into your salon’s appointment book. This would change if any future appointments for the week were cancelled, or if you booked more appointments, and is a great way to see at a glance whether you’re going to meet your goals or not. 

The grey line is a 6-week average of past data to help you see how your current time period compares to the previous weeks. This is important as it can show you if you have quieter days. When figuring out what target to set for your staff, put down a number you would like to see, and then look at the grey line. 

If in the last six weeks, you can see your team hit that goal and are above the target you set, maybe think about raising it. You always want to set an achievable target that keeps your staff motivated.

lounge and co at reception

2. The Upsell Retail button in Kitomba

There’s a great feature in Kitomba called Upsell Retail. Located on the make sale window in Kitomba, when you click the button you’ll see the following information:

  • If your client has bought something before it will show their recent retail purchase.
  • It also tells you how long ago they purchased it so you can ask if they need a replacement.
  • If it’s a new client it will show your top 5 best-selling products

This provides you and your team with a great opportunity to ask your clients how they found the products they purchased in the past and recommend appropriate new retail products to them they haven’t tried before. 

We also recommend sitting down with your staff and coming up with appropriate retail for the types of clients you see (e.g. people who get their hair coloured blonde, people who get facials and have mature skin, etc). and then stick the names of them up behind the desk to prompt your staff to upsell them to the right client.

3. Use Kitomba Reports and metrics to inform your retail strategy 

Tracking your salon and individual staff members is so important in making sure everyone is on track and staying motivated. Several metrics in Kitomba can help you progress toward your goals with reports.

Here are the key metrics you should be looking at to grow your retail sales consistently, which are easily available and calculated for you in the Reports section of Kitomba. 

Client retail attachment rate

The client retail attachment rate also looks at the number of visits where retail was sold, providing you with a percentage to let you know how often your team is successfully selling retail to their clients. 

The client retail attachment rate can be found in the Kitomba Business Summary report. This report gives you all of the metrics you need to get a snapshot of your business’s performance, and it’s also customisable, which means you can adjust the metrics it shows for the information you are interested in. 

For example, if you want to focus on tracking the success of a promotion for a specific brand, you can add a column that tracks sales figures for that specific category in the report, so you can see at a glance who in your team is selling the most.

team meeting

Profit margin

The other metric you want to look at when you are going to focus on retail sales is your profit margin because if you’re going to spend your time and money on promoting a product, you want it to be both highly profitable for your business while also being loved and demanded by your clients.

Your profit margin shows you the most revenue-generating products at your business. When you add in your products, you give Kitomba its sale price so it can charge your clients the right amount but you can also give the cost price as well. This means that when you run your sales reports, you can look at just the top-selling products.

You can find the profit margin on your Product Sales report in Kitomba. This allows you to look at a date range and see the products you sold and it also gives you a great indicator of how much profit you receive from that product. Seeing both the profit margin and the sales figures in one report allows you to choose the best product that has both high sales and a good profit margin.

salon reception desk

4. Sell more retail through Kitomba Marketing

There are two main ways of marketing to your clients in Kitomba. The first is Campaign Marketing, which is sending one-off campaigns through email or SMS, and the second is Everyday Marketing, which is automated. Both should be used to successfully market to your customers.

Campaign Marketing

This is where you create a one-off email or text to send to a group of people. These are great when you have a limited-time promotion, or want to target a segment of your client base to send them a message all at once.

For example, if there’s a new product launch for a brand, you can segment your clients to every client who bought a product from that brand in the last 12 months and then send them all an email blast announcing the new product, its benefits, and perhaps even an exclusive offer!

Everyday Marketing

These are messages that are set up once and then automated for you to send via SMS or email automatically. They can be used for things like appointment reminders and follow ups, Happy Birthday messages with a special offer, or before or after a transaction. 

For example, when a client purchases a specific product or service, you can set up automated marketing emails to send an email telling the client about that product or service, including care instructions or a ‘how-to’ guide, and other relevant information.

You can also use this as an opportunity to tell them about other products and services that they may like, which are relevant to the product they purchased.

To learn more, check out our blog 6 essential automated marketing ideas for salons, spas and clinics. 

women getting facial

Get personal with marketing lists

Kitomba marketing lists allow you to catergorise your client base into separate groups so you can easily send one-off or automated campaigns to only certain clients instead of your whole client database. 

Examples of groups you may want to categorise are clients who have purchased a specific brand, clients who have a preferred staff member, or perhaps to send aftercare instructions to clients after they received a facial. For example, you could set up an automated campaign that only goes out to clients who have just received microdermabrasion to remind them how to take care of their skin properly after this service. 

If you start using one or more of the features available in Kitomba that we have spoken of today, you will start to see a real impact on your business and your team and how they affect retail sales and staff motivation. 

For step-by-step information on how to set up Kitomba Targets, Marketing, and Reporting click on our support guides below or contact our support team:

If you’re not yet a Kitomba customer, contact us now for a free demo of our software, or find out more about our features and how they can help you grow your business here

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