
Becoming a more sustainable salon, spa or clinic can be challenging. But with some research, fresh ideas and by focusing on implementing one change at a time, you’ll quickly start to see results. Here are some tips to help get the ideas flowing!

Collect and recycle hair

For those salons out there, this one is easy! You cut hair all day long and being more sustainable can mean simply disposing of it in an alternative way.

Working with a company who recycles hair opens up the opportunity for you to help wig makers, clean up oil spills (they stuff hair into nylon or mesh, float these devices along the surface of water and it collects the oil) or create compost which plants love. If you already have your own compost, you can simply do it yourself otherwise, donate it to your local community garden for their compost.

Give your used items another home

You may no longer have a need for certain items but finding a way to give them a second life can have a real impact on your sustainability. Here are some simple ideas:

  • Refill empty tester containers with product samples to give to your clients.
  • Give magazines to medical centres and schools.
  • Ask design schools if they have uses for items you may have, such as packaging materials.
  • Donate working appliances to charities like Women’s Refuge.

Encourage your staff and clients to use sustainable transport

Take some time to think about how you can support the use of sustainable transport. For example, can you carpool with your staff, or could you install bike racks? If your premises is near an electric car charging station or public transport stop, encourage staff to use those options too.

Think about your power usage

There are a number of ways you can be more sustainable when it comes to electricity. Choose a company that offers renewable energy and invest in efficient LED light bulbs. Even a small change like switching off and unplugging any equipment that’s not in use can make a difference to your energy use, and reduce your power bill.

Set up a refill station

Selling retail products can have a hugely positive effect on your bottom line. There’s also a way to make selling retail more sustainable with a refill station. Talk to your supplier about helping you to set up your station and encourage clients to bring their empty product bottle with them to be refilled. You could incentivise this by offering a discount or bonus loyalty points.

Supply the right products

Stock products that are sustainable, socially conscious, and eco-friendly! This may take a little research, but with so many options available you’ll be spoilt for choice.

Get rid of disposables

Take time to identify all the items you use in your salon, spa or clinic that can only be used once and how you can reduce or eliminate such items from your business. For example, there are fantastic alternatives available, such as Paper Not Foil, so you’re not using and disposing of tin foil daily.

Get involved in the community

Is your community creating a shared garden or doing a beach clean up? Get your team together and sign up to help with any initiative in your part of the world, or create one of your own. Every little bit counts – and it doesn’t have to be limited to your salon, spa or clinic. As an added bonus, participating in your local community will give your business extra visibility, share your values and ultimately could get you new clients.

Need some assistance?

Kitomba partnered with Sustainable Salons as part of our ongoing focus on sustainability. If you’re wanting your salon, spa or clinic to be more sustainable and you’re still not sure how to get started, get in touch with Sustainable Salons. They’re there to support you and your business on your journey!

If you have more sustainability tips, share them in the comments below.