
The Australian Consumer Law (ACL) has been amended for gift cards and vouchers sold nationally on or after 1 November 2019, to ensure consumers have access to the full value of their gift card over a reasonable period of time.

To help you transition through the changes easily, we’ve put together some information about the key things you should be aware of if your business is based in Australia.

What’s changing?

  • Gift cards and vouchers must have a minimum expiry period of 3 years from the day it’s sold to the consumer. 
  • Gift cards and vouchers must display their expiry date.
  • Most post purchase fees on gift cards are banned.

See details of the changes on the Australian Consumer Law website.

When do these changes take effect?  

The changes take effect starting 1 November 2019. But remember:

  • Gift cards and vouchers sold before 1 November 2019 will continue to have the same expiry date and conditions that were applicable on the date they were sold. 
  • Gift cards and vouchers sold after this date will be subject to the new regulations regardless of the terms and conditions printed on the gift card.

Does this change apply to salons, spas and clinics?

If your salon, spa or clinic sells gift cards or vouchers, then you’ll need to make changes to your practices to meet the new requirements.

Some types of gift cards and vouchers are exempt from the 3 year expiry date rule, including promotional gift cards and vouchers. Some states have local laws in place, so check with your local consumer protection agency for specific exclusions.

How do you change voucher expiry dates in Kitomba?

Changing the expiry date for vouchers in Kitomba is easy! Visit our support guide to learn how to add or change the expiry date.

Need more information?

For more information about changes to gift cards and vouchers in your area, visit the appropriate website:

Australian Consumer Law
South Australia Consumer and Business Services
New South Wales Fair Trading