We spend so much of our lives at work, it’s no surprise to learn it can have a huge impact on our health and wellness! Likewise, our health and wellbeing can have a huge impact on our work, and a lot of this is down to your working environment.
Everyone has good days and bad days (including managers and salon owners!) but there are things that you can do as an employer to create a supportive environment in your salon, spa or clinic that inspires and motivates your team to perform at their absolute best every day.
When your salon staff are happy, they’re better positioned to make your clients happy, and happy clients are great for business.
Support healthy communication
To create a work environment that is supportive for all staff, you’ll need to have open lines of communication. Start simply by asking your staff how they’re doing, and really listen to their answers and engage with them.
If you create relationships with your staff based on honesty and trust, they’ll know that you care about them and that they can talk to you whenever they need to. Remember to check in regularly with each staff member, looking out for signs of stress, such as negative comments or an increase in sick leave.
When you have great communication, your staff will come to you with their problems instead of looking for a new place to work.
Encourage healthy working habits
From encouraging staff to take their scheduled breaks to providing access to healthy snacks and water, you can encourage healthy habits in your salon.
Time management in a salon, spa or clinic can be difficult; quiet times may not always coincide with standard meal times, and on busy days it may feel like there is no good time to take a break. But everyone needs to take breaks, and eat and drink regularly so that they can be at their absolute best, and provide that exceptional client experience we’re all aiming for.
Practising good sleep habits and participating in enjoyable hobbies or physical activities outside of work also improve mood and energy, so make sure you’re modelling and encouraging these behaviours too.
Learn more about to prioritise breaks when your salon is busy: How to prioritise breaks in a busy salon, spa or clinic.
Create common salon goals
People report higher levels of wellbeing and job satisfaction when they enjoy their work, and have set goals to work towards.
Use your salon and spa software to set some realistic goals for each staff member, and for your salon, spa or clinic team as a whole, and work towards meeting these goals! Make sure everyone on the team has a real purpose and understands how important they are to the overall success of the business.
Show your salon staff that you’re committed to their ongoing career development by providing regular training opportunities. This allows them to work towards professional development goals as well as business goals.
Motivate your whole team to success with Kitomba Targets! Read more about how this can not only create a healthier workplace but also generate more revenue for your salon: How to motivate and inspire your team for success.
Recognise your staff achievements
Who doesn’t like to feel appreciated? Make sure to celebrate when someone on your salon team achieves their goal, goes above and beyond or just does something awesome – nothing is too small!
Use your words and actions to reward and celebrate your staff, sharing successes publicly when appropriate. For example, if you’re sharing images of your staff’s work on social media, celebrate them by using their name, or tagging them in the post.
Think about setting rewards for your staff, or salon team as a whole when they reach their targets! This will not only motivate them to work towards reaching the goal but also has the double benefit of helping to grow your business.
See how incentivising your staff or salon team targets can drive your team to further success: How incentivising your staff targets will help grow your business.
Good for your team and great for your business
A healthy work environment is good for employees, but it’s also great for your salon! Healthy workplaces have been shown to have higher productivity, and see less sick leave and staff turnover, all factors which contribute positively to the success of a business.
Create a healthy salon environment for your staff, and get your whole team working towards the same goal of making your salon, spa or clinic the best it can be.
Download our free e-book to see more about building the salon team of your dreams! Learn more tips and tricks about how to create a motivated, engaged and high-performing salon team, with a great culture – sure to boost the health of your workplace. Get your dream-team ebook.