client rebooks at spa

Rebook your salon and spa clients and reap the rewards

9 Mar 2012 by Brenda Perham

As salon and spa owners and managers you’re always seeking new ways to grow your business and attract new clients. But first you need to look and see if you’re maximising the potential of the clients you already have stepping through your door!

Why rebooking is so important

Rebooking your existing clientele can grow and stabilise your business dramatically without a large dollar investment. Creating a strong habit of rebooking clients with your team is easy and can increase your number of loyal clients. 

Recommending a set date for a follow up appointment also adds to the client experience as a whole. Capturing those rebooking rates whilst your clients are fresh from a treatment or haircut, will make them feel like they’re getting a more personalised service, and filling up your appointment book in advance means a steady future revenue stream.

Tips to help you improve your rebooking culture

Pick your moment

Never ask your client to rebook at the desk – incorporate it into your service. Instead suggest a time frame for when they’ll need to return for their next visit. If they hesitate, mention that you have a text message reminder service (some clients fear they will forget!).

Make it worthwhile

Run a prize draw over an eight week period for clients who rebook. Create an amazing prize that doesn’t cost your business too much and promote it within your salon or spa, on Facebook and Instagram, and on your website. But most importantly, get your team talking about it with every client!

Get your team on board

Incentivise your team to get their clients in the draw by rewarding the stylist or therapist whose client is the winner. Use Kitomba Targets to set goals for the business as a whole, as well as individual team members. Your staff will be able to track their progress in the software, helping to incentivise those extra rebookings.

Blog Pull Quotes Nadia Howard, owner of Bedlam Hair Design & Bliss Day Spa_2 (1)

Run your Kitomba reports

Take a look at your Kitomba Business Summary report. Underneath your rebook rate is your client visit rate e.g. ‘7.3 pa or every 7wks 1.0days’. This means that your clients are on average visiting you 7.3 times per year or every seven weeks and one day. As you build your rebook rate you’ll see the frequency of your client visits increase over the year. 

If your rebook rate is currently quite low (well under 50 percent) and you increase it to over 70%, you can easily gain another two visits over the year from your clients. Multiply your client average spend by two (the extra visits) and then multiply by the number of active clients you have on your database. Now see the potential for earning serious extra cash that could be in your till!

Watch our Facebook Live video with the Kitomba team to learn more about the Business Summary Report and how to tailor it to suit your reporting needs. 


So get going… it’s like a snowball… once it gains momentum it gets bigger and bigger. And the great thing is that once you have your rebook culture, you’ve also trained your clients to just keep rebooking, which they will now have to do to get an appointment with you!

To learn more about maximising the potential of your client experience, read our all-inclusive Client Experience Guide.


Read next:

Editor’s note: This post was originally published on 09 Mar 2012, and has been updated on 23 Aug 2022 for relevance and comprehensiveness.

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