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Making the most of online retail trends

22 Sep 2020 by Kitomba

COVID-19 restrictions have dramatically shifted consumer purchasing from in-store to online. Forbes reported that in Australia some marketplaces are seeing 300% to 400% growth in their online sales channels. So if you haven’t already, now is the perfect time to get set up and take advantage of this growing trend. Here are some tips on how to get started.

Set up an online store

Creating an online retail store gives your clients the freedom to purchase retail anytime they want, and gives you another opportunity for retail sales if you miss out on them in-salon. 

Google reported that 63% of shoppers start their sales journey online, regardless of whether they end up purchasing online or instore. This means that having an online retail store would also allow non-clients to see your products, increasing the reach of your brand. 

When setting up your store, consider these following tips:

  • Find the right platform: There are plenty of online retail platforms that can make the process easier, but make sure it’s appropriate for the needs of your business. 
  • Provide payment and delivery options: Really understanding your clients and their needs will help ensure you provide them with the right options when it comes to payment and delivery. It’s all about ensuring that you’re offering what your clients need to encourage them to order from you. 
  • Think about your customers: Your online store needs to be as user friendly as possible. We suggest asking a couple of your clients to test your online store to see if it’s easy to navigate. 
  • Include all the details: When you’re in the salon, it’s easy to explain the benefits of your retail products. Ensure your online store doesn’t fall short in this area by including really clear, useful descriptions of all the products you’re selling. 

Sell vouchers online

Vouchers make fantastic gifts for family and friends, so make sure you’re reaching as many clients as possible by not only offering them in-salon, but also online. Check if your software system offers this feature and take the time to get them set up. You’ll want your vouchers to be on brand and visually appealing to your clients, so make sure to do this too.

Promote your online store and vouchers

Now that you have your online store and vouchers, the most important part is to promote them to your clients! Email, text and social media are the easiest way to get the word out. Be sure to mention the benefits of buying products and vouchers online, such as convenience and supporting local businesses. Get smart with your communications too, for example, you could set up an email to be sent to your clients four weeks after they’ve purchased a retail product, reminding them that they may be getting low and could visit your online store to stock up. 

For information on vouchers and how best to sell them, check out our blog!

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