850 x 500-02

Get your salon found on Google with basic SEO

30 May 2024 by Janelle Kee-Sue

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is a process that allows search engines, like Google and Bing, to find, read and understand your website and know when to show it to a user that’s looking for businesses similar to yours. 

For example, if you provide haircuts in Melbourne, when someone searches for “Haircut Melbourne” in Google, you want your website to feature in the list of results the searcher is shown.

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hair stylist on an ipad

Google Business Profile tips for salons, spas and clinics

3 Mar 2024 by Janelle Kee-Sue

Are you making the most of your Google Business Profile to attract new clients to your salon, spa or clinic?

Find out how to get your business found on Google with these expert tips for claiming and optimising your Google Business Profile.

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is free salon software really free?

The lowdown on free salon software: is it really free?

12 Apr 2022 by Janelle Kee-Sue

There is no such thing as a free lunch and this saying rings true when it comes to free salon software. We were curious about how free salon scheduling systems make money and what we found might surprise you.

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Signs you need to hire a salon business coach

6 signs you need to hire a salon business coach

26 Mar 2021 by Janelle Kee-Sue

Running a business is hard work – especially if you’re a salon, spa or clinic owner who works in your business as well as on your business. It’s only natural to reach a point where you’re asking yourself “where to from here?” and wondering what you should do next in order to take your business to the next level and maximise your potential (and profits).

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kpis for salons spas clinics

Why salons need KPIs (and how to set them)

5 Mar 2021 by Janelle Kee-Sue

Key performance indicators (KPIs) are important for any type of business, but they’re what enables the hair and beauty industry to truly thrive.

Without clear goals, targets and indicators of business performance, it’s difficult to know where your business stands, and how to achieve the growth and profitability you desire.

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