Professional beauty roundtable discussion technology

Up and coming beauty trends for 2020

19 Mar 2020 by Kitomba

Kitomba felt so privileged to be asked to take part in the Professional Beauty Round Table recently. Our amazing Partnership Manager Rosemary was the perfect person to take a seat at the event as she’s been with Kitomba for 9 years, and has been working in the hair and beauty industry for 20. The aim of the Professional Beauty roundtable event is to bring industry experts together to discuss topics and trends relevant to the beauty industry. The focus for the thirteenth roundtable was: “The 2020 Vision – Beauty Trends”.  

We wanted to share their thoughts with you so you have some tips and advice you could implement into your business to drive you towards a more successful 2020 and help you in the years to come.

Introducing the experts

Along with Rosemary, Professional Beauty brought together an amazing range of fellow industry experts, check them out!

professional beauty roundtable discussion

Elysha Young, Trends Manager – Asia Pacific region, Mintel

Elysha’s biggest passion is working out why people do what they do. Mintel focuses on marketing trends that are affecting businesses worldwide.

Marguerite Capezio, Co-founder and Director, The Startup Collective

With a postgraduate diploma in cosmetic science as well as experience starting her own business, Marguerite has a wealth of knowledge to contribute to the beauty industry. 

Emma Hobson, Director of Education – Asia Pacific region, Dermalogica

Emma has been in the industry for over 30 years, and was named by Beauty Directory as one of Australia’s ten most influential people in the health and beauty industry. 

Paul Anderson, Managing Director, Mankind

After seeing a gap in the men’s skincare market, Paul took action. Mankind is focused on providing quality skincare treatments in a comfortable environment for men.

Paulina Saliba, Owner, Results Laser Clinic

Paulina owns and operates over 40 clinics across Australia specialising in laser.

Up and coming trends

During their time together, the panel of experts discussed five key trends that Professional Beauty believes will shape the beauty industry this year and into the future. Here are the tips and advice we thought you’d be interested in finding out a little more about.

Trend 1: Embracing diversity

This trend was centered around the idea that Australia is one of the most culturally diverse countries in the world, therefore it’s important for brands to be able to cater to a diverse set of needs. 

Diverse beliefs and opinions

The experts discussed how it benefits a brand to cast their net over a wider audience, however the key to doing that is to target specific needs rather than create a “one size fits all” product. So when it comes to your business, if you consider the needs of consumers that may not currently be being met, such as men, vegans, and the older generation, you could unlock potential growth and income. 

Men’s beauty

The lack of diversity in men’s beauty products is what led Paul to open mankind – a beauty salon focused on mens beauty. We’ve seen an increased demand in beauty products for men, so think about whether your clients could benefit from you stocking a specific mens range for them. 

Trend 2: Personalised beauty

Customers are very educated these days, which gives them clear ideas on what they want. They want something special that will work for them and is based on their unique set of needs. 

Personalisation doesn’t just refer to the product

Consumers are looking to buy from brands that resonate with them. When there are so many options out there, you can’t just sell the product, you have to sell the brand, its values, and the lifestyle it supports. The benefit with this is that you are aligning your marketing and branding with your target audience’s needs and lifestyle decisions, making you the obvious choice when selecting a salon, spa or clinic for their services. So ask yourself what your target clients do, how they act and what they believe in.

Quicker decisions with less post purchase regret

Personalisation reduces “decision paralysis” and “post-purchase dissonance”. What this means is that knowing the product is made for you makes it more special, therefore you will be less likely to change your mind after purchasing. You also won’t be forced to decide between two different options if you have one option that is based on your exact needs. So think about how you can provide specialised services or products to your clients so that they have no choice but to come back to you.

Trend 3: Technology’s impact

Technology is here to improve, not replace, the client experience. So embrace it with these tips! 

Price comparison

It’s easy to compare product and service prices online. To prevent clients searching for the cheapest option, focus on providing an excellent client experience. Also think about offering a VIP rewards or loyalty programme to help your clients see their loyalty to you is valued and that they’re thanked for it.

Perceived value

When trying to sell retail it can be tempting to discount. However doing this can also reduce the perceived value. If there’s a particular product you’re struggling to sell, adding it to a “bundle” or as a gift with purchase may be a better way to increase the perceived value. Ensure you’re also taking the time to communicate the benefit of your retail products to your clients so they can understand why there’s value in purchasing it. 


The experts discussed how consumers are looking for a “third space” where they feel most at home, outside of their actual home and work. Listening to your clients needs is key to this. As a business owner, make sure you’re experimenting with how to provide comfort, care and attention to detail when it comes to each and every part of your clients time within your salon, spa or clinic. 

Trend 4: Sustainability 

Sustainability is being taken seriously, by both consumers and companies. Here’s some ways you could embrace it.

Environmentally friendly products 

Sustainable and safe products are in demand. Consumers want to believe the company has their best interest at heart. Provide eco-friendly alternatives, for example offering people the option to bring in their own containers to refill.  

Where to start 

Many salons are focused on first being profitable and second being sustainable. However consumers are increasingly demanding products and businesses that have sustainability top of mind. It’s in demand, and consumers understand responsibility falls on everyone, so you might as well get onboard. Remember there are companies like Sustainable Salons that are able to help make your sustainability journey easier. 

Trend 5: Future Thinking 

When wanting to be a successful business in the beauty industry, a future focus is important. 

Be adaptable

The consumers needs are constantly changing, and in the beauty industry the clients needs are paramount. Considering possible future trends means you will understand where the market is going. It’s not realistic to act on every trend, so it’s best to be aware of them and ensure that when you do make a change, it’ll benefit your clients and your business.

The beauty industry is growing

Currently, it’s worth 500 billion dollars world-wide and women are spending $3,000 annually. This makes the beauty industry a very exciting place to be.

This was the 17th Professional Beauty Roundtable discussion. To watch the videos from this discussion, follow this link. To get insight from previous Roundtables, find the full archive here.

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