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How to prioritise breaks in a busy salon, spa or clinic

5 Aug 2019 by Martin Lazare

When your workplace is a busy, high-intensity environment such as a spa, salon or clinic, it can be difficult to make sure that you’re getting enough downtime throughout the day. 

In the hair and beauty industry, where careless mistakes have the capacity to destroy a business’s reputation, it’s more important than ever to ensure you and your staff are well-rested and have the focus to be able to do your jobs properly.

A healthy, productive work culture is important not only for staff retention and efficiency, but also for overall wellness. Here are a few ways to make sure that you and your team are getting the breaks you need to perform at your best.

Salon administrators managing front desk

Schedule regular tea breaks

When most of your workday consists of standing on your feet and concentrating hard, even just a quick five minute rest over a cup of tea will do wonders for your team. When taking appointments, make sure that each employee has a five to 10 minute break between clients every couple of hours so they have a chance to sit down and grab a drink, a bite to eat or even just use the bathroom.

Why is this important?

Regular breaks can help to increase productivity in the workplace, and working for long periods of time without rest can lead to exhaustion and stress. By taking short breaks, you and your staff can refresh your minds, restore your motivation and return to work feeling more productive!

Commit to regular lunch breaks

Another important break in the workday is lunch. Many salons, spas and clinics overbook to fit in as many clients as possible, which can come at the expense of someone’s lunch hour. 

Ensure each member of the team has a dedicated lunch break, and that no appointments are scheduled at that time. Some salons find it easier for everyone to take lunch at a certain time of day, while others prefer to have breaks staggered to keep the flow of clients coming through. Either way, every member of your team needs a dedicated lunch break to rest and refuel for the afternoon ahead.

Why is this important?

Everyone knows you’re not yourself when you’re hungry, and the last thing you need is a ‘hangry’ employee accidentally snapping at a client! Making sure that everyone is fed and happy will improve morale, quality of work and overall happiness in the workplace.

Woman drinking hot coffee and smiling


Take turns to run errands

Sometimes a break is as simple as changing your environment. By taking turns to do the mid-morning coffee run or the end of day banking, everyone gets a chance to leave the salon, get some fresh air and give their brain a rest. 

Often, these tasks fall on a junior member of staff, but in order to help everyone get a chance to briefly leave the work environment, these tasks should be shared around.

Why is this important?

It may seem trivial but walking to the end of the street and back can be enough to improve productivity. Next time you notice a staff member feeling stressed or a bit ‘off’, send them away from the work environment, even for just five minutes, to give them a chance to refresh.

The verdict

Prioritising breaks in a busy salon, spa or clinic isn’t easy, but these are a few ways you can help to implement regular break times for your team. 

Often, in our industry, it can be difficult to commit to regular breaks, but the benefits highly outweigh the negatives. So why not try implementing one or more of these methods in your salon, spa or clinic to see what it can do for your team and business?  

How do you prioritise breaks in your business? Please share what works well for you in the comments! 

Read next: 

Looking for powerful staff and business management software for the hair and beauty industry? Book a free demo of Kitomba Salon and Spa Software to find out what it can do for your business.

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