Adding capabilities in Kitomba 1

Kitomba 1 Staff Capabilities

4 Jul 2018 by Kitomba

Staff Capabilities define which services each of your staff are trained to perform. Now you can set staff capabilities from anywhere, on any device, in Kitomba 1.

You’ll receive this feature over the coming weeks, so keep an eye out for it so you can start using it!

To get started, visit ‘Staff and users’ in your Kitomba 1 Settings and click on a staff member. From there you can:

Specify if they perform all services

Let Kitomba know whether your staff are able to perform all services by selecting ‘Yes’ or ‘No’:

Performs all services




Set Staff Capabilities by category

If you select ‘No’ because a staff member can’t perform all services, you can quickly set their capabilities using the category option.

To do this, select a category then click ‘all’ or ‘none’ depending on whether they can complete all of the services in that category or none:

Set Staff Capabilities by category







Set Staff Capabilities by service

If you have staff who aren’t trained in every service in a category, you can just select the individual services they can perform:

Set Staff Capabilities by service







Copy another staff member’s capabilities

Save time by using ‘copy another staff member’s capabilities’:

Copy another staff member's capabilities




If there’s a staff member with the same capabilities as someone who already has their capabilities set, just select the staff members name from the dropdown to copy them:

Copy capabilities screen






Remember that Kitomba and Kitomba 1 sync, so if you make a change in one place it’ll automatically be reflected in the other.

Need help getting started with Kitomba 1 Staff Capabilities? Visit our support guide.

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  1. Mmmmm…. not sure how this has received priority over the [popular recurring appointments request.

    • Hi Tony, thanks for your comment! There are a number of factors that we take into account when prioritising features. We’re really sorry recurring appointments isn’t currently a planned feature, however we will continue to take it into consideration as we plan future development. From, The Kitomba team.

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