mentor feature

Mentoring your team for success

18 Sep 2014 by Brenda Perham

Being a small to medium sized business owner generally means there are always lots of plates to spin … just when you have one area of your business whizzing around another starts to wobble and so your focus moves to that plate before it topples.Your business is just like a dinner set, some plates are bigger and more valuable than others!

I believe that one of the ‘biggest plates’ is a weekly mentoring program with your team, here are a few guidelines to help you kick start the habit!

  • Set benchmarks for the key areas of performance i.e. rebooking, retail sales. If you set them as percentage (50% of clients to buy a product) rather than dollars then you have a tool to measure any sized clientele.
  • Figures reflect actions, your Kitomba reports will help you to identify the individual strengths and weaknesses within your team. This creates a valuable ‘road’ map for coaching.
  • “I don’t pay good wages because I have a lot of money; I have a lot of money because I pay good wages” is a quote by
 Robert Bosch. Your team needs to be rewarded for their efforts. If you don’t already have a bonus/commission structure in place then you need to implement one, mentor your team to help them achieve and you will have a happy motivated staff and happy loyal clients.
  • You need to talk to your team one on one each week for 15 minutes, review the last weeks performance, coach them on how to improve their weakest benchmark and set that as a focus for the upcoming week.

If you would like to know more about the tools within Kitomba that can help improve your teams productivity then join me on Monday 22nd September for the
“Help your team reach their full potential and reap the rewards – Part 1” online training.


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