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Referrals in Kitomba 1

16 Apr 2018 by Kitomba

Today we’ve released two new Kitomba 1 features for single site salons, spas and clinics.

We’ve added a referral field to your Client Cards and the Give to Client feature, so you have the option to add this information into Kitomba 1.

Kitomba 1 Client Card: Referred By

Now you can add who a client was referred by to your Kitomba 1 Client Cards.

Choose who referred a client

Using the new ‘Referred By’ dropdown, choose who recommended your salon, spa or clinic to a client.

Referred by in the client card


Customise your Referral Types

You can customise the referral types that are relevant to your business in Kitomba. Just visit the Admin tab and click on ‘Referral Types’.

Referral types in Kitomba









Referred by another customer

Kitomba has automatically included the ‘Another Customer’ option. This allows you to search your client list for the person who referred your new client.

Referred by another customer





Want to get started?

Learn more about getting started with referrals and how to report on them by visiting our support guide.

Give to Client feature: How did you hear about us?

Kitomba 1’s Give to Client feature is a great way to quickly and easily obtain all your client’s details. And now it includes ‘How did you hear about us?’, so you can collect even more information.

How did you hear about us




Want to know more about the Give to Client feature?

Give to Client is a handy feature that gives your clients the ability to enter their own details into Kitomba 1, with the addition of smart security so they can’t see anything else in Kitomba 1.

To learn more about Kitomba 1’s Give to Client feature, read our blog about Using the Kitomba 1’s Give to Client feature. Or visit our support guide to find out more.

The value of referrals

Referrals are an amazing way to get more clients and increase your profit. Check out our blog for 8 ways to get more referrals.

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