
Book Now buttons allow your clients to book an appointment with you directly from Facebook or Instagram, powered by Kitomba’s Online Booking. 

Follow the steps below to make sure you’re all set up before adding the buttons.

Here are the three things you need to do to be able to use Facebook and Instagram Book Now buttons:

Create a Facebook for Business account

To install Book Now buttons on your Facebook page and Instagram profile, Kitomba’s Online Booking needs to connect to your Facebook Business Manager. Visit our guide to Facebook Business Manager for everything you need to know about what Facebook Business Manager is and how to create a Facebook for Business account.

Create a business Instagram account

If you’ve been using a personal Instagram profile for your business, you’ll need to convert it to a business profile. If you haven’t been using Instagram for your business yet, it’s a great time to start! Simply set up a profile for your business and check out our top tips for using Instagram to build your brand.

Link your Facebook and Instagram accounts

Since Book Now buttons are created and managed through Facebook, we recommend you connect your Facebook and Instagram accounts before installing the buttons. 

Once you’re ready to go, check out our support guide to see exactly how to add Book Now buttons to your Facebook page and Instagram profile.

This functionality is only available to Kitomba customers with Online Booking. If you’re interested in upgrading your package to include Online Booking, contact our support team to find out more, or test out Online Booking for free with our free 90-day trial

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